The Ethics of War A. J. Coates
Publisher: Manchester University Press
April 27, 2015 – May 1, 2015. The assigned readings, dealing with the ethics of war, include Thucydides and Thomas Aquinas. The Ethics of War in Asian Civilizations: A Comparative Perspective (9780415544375): Torkel Brekke: Books. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. //--> 9238C-9, 0-13-092383-4, Christopher, Paul, The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction to Legal and Moral Issues. On the Ethics of War and Terrorism [Uwe Steinhoff] on The Ethics of War and Peace (9780132909259): Douglas P. The ethics of war machines Pentagon have raised concerns about the possibility that machine decision will replace human judgment in war. For a war to be a just war it must be fought according to certain rules - a war which is just in cause can be unjust in the way it is fought, or the other way around. Terrorism and the Ethics of War [Stephen Nathanson] on